Life force (Energy) known as "Orgone" NOW is available to the world!!!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Sacred spots, airport xrays, orgone

Hi Lilly, Happy Full Moon!!
I have a question for you about the Sacred Journeys you are talking about, and this question may be in the minds of others.

In view of the new "nude" machines which have at least 100 times more radiation, and which can damage the DNA of a person, what can we do to protect ourselves and still travel? I dreamed a dream where I told someone "I will not go through one of those machines, and if that means I don't fly, then I don't fly".
There must be some way to circumvent these horrible machines that scan and radiate, and damage. What could it be?
Would you share any wisdom you have regarding this topic?
I am eager to hear. I cannot believe there is no answer. The Creator wants us to be able to get to these sacred spots. I know it.

May all your desires for the highest and greatest good come true this year, Love and Blessings, Teresa


Dear Teresa,
Great question! Thank you for asking…

The answer is simple: Orgone (orgonite) (prana, life force, chi, ki etc)
I had asked myself the very same question few years back before traveling. We do not take NO for an answer!!!

Interesting enough, the system always offers you ways out if you make your intentions very clear. Yes they might make it hard and try to loop you back into their game but if you show your intentions strong enough they will show you the doors out. If you do not want to be radiated or scanned then you have to submit yourself and belongings to a search. As simple as that, they give you notice. In fact when we went to the Philippines we went thru that "nude" machine without being affected by the radiations whatsoever. I even talked to the guy that scanned me and he mentioned that I have an option not to go through the machine if I do not want. However I went through to put the orgone pendant to my test.

Xrays did no affect our auric field!

Most of the time we go through their machines without taking our pendants off. It is very important to keep a positive happy mood attitude when you go thru their machines, as your aura is expanded, I always joke with them and smile and have a good time. That makes it easier for the pendant, less work on its part. At the beginning I was giving my pendant instructions for protecting my aura, then it became like a second nature, once you are aligned and trusts its protective powers it will do what’s best for you automatically. Its like a permanent telepathic communication between you and the pendant.

We have traveled quite a bit and I remember taking my orgone pendant off once because I forgot to remove metals from my pockets and they made me take everything off…otherwise the pendant will not beep. What the pendant does, it expands and makes your aura whole, repairing, reconstructing, fixing what needs to be fixed. What I noticed is that if you wear it for some time, its vibration is still present in your aura for a while after removing from your auric field, so xrays will not affect your auric field. That’s why I mentioned to you that sometimes I go “naked” without wearing a pendant because I feel and see my aura whole. When we listen to our intelligent bodies we get very powerful messages. The goal is to empower ourselves so much that we become orgone (life force). At times I wear different pendants for different purposes, they really give me a good boost. For traveling purposes going thought airports or xrays machines etc I designed the radiation deflector orgone pendant, however any orgone pendant will work if you ask it to protect your aura.

Those orgone pendants can be very complicated tools yet very simple, it depends what you want them to do for you: they are like a very complicated computers that can do very simple tasks as well as very complex.

No need to be worried, there is at least an answer for every question, ALWAYS!!! The universe offers an infinity of solutions, it is such a friendly universe. Orgone is one of the solutions, and I am so grateful it exists! Fear is just false evidence appearing real, no need to be afraid!
By visiting sacred and beautiful places on earth we get empowered, gifted, blessed and upgraded to new levels.
Happy sacred journeys!

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