Few towers we gifted would still give me a headache, so we had to add more
orgone protectors (Tb's = tower busters). This particular tower kept giving me headaches every time I would be around. We gifted this one with more TB's than usual and for a few months no more headaches.
Guess what we saw today? Keep
adding the panels you guys, we keep adding orgone Tb's.

A friend told us that they actually "work" on the new panels during the night like thieves in the night. We asked him to call us during the night to take pictures of them, we are available 24/7 wink Most of the towers gifted got new panels and I noticed I have headaches when I am next to them. I've found a method to destroy their crap etherically with my mind, when I cannot gift them in 3D. And not only towers, chemtrails also. Chemtrail planes take off and land from four corners of the valley here, you can even see how they gain altitude. We suspect they have their bases underground. As soon a s I "boost" them with my mind the planes (some of them are unman btw) will leave no chemtrail. It takes lots of energy thou. Just close your eyes, breath deeply, think: “I can do it!!!” and send the energy from the heart to each panel/plane you see. A little smile helps More adventures